The Importance of Sensory Friendly Environments

ID: a man putting on noise cancelling headphones. Photo by Rafael Leao on Unsplash

As part of the neurodivergent community, autistics process sensory information differently than neurotypicals. For many autistics, sensory input can be overwhelming and cause discomfort, leading to a range of negative physical and emotional reactions. Sensory-friendly environments can make a huge difference in the quality of life for autistic individuals by reducing stress and allowing them to engage with the world around them more comfortably.

One of the primary features of a sensory-friendly environment is the absence of sensory overload triggers, such as harsh or bright lighting, loud or unexpected noises, or overwhelming smells. In a sensory-friendly environment, these stimuli are minimized or eliminated, making it easier for autistic individuals to navigate their surroundings without experiencing undue stress or discomfort.

Sensory-friendly environments can be found in a variety of settings, from schools and workplaces to museums and movie theaters. These environments typically include accommodations such as dimmer lighting, reduced noise levels, and scent-free air. Additionally, many sensory-friendly environments provide resources like weighted blankets or fidget toys to help regulate sensory input and reduce anxiety.

It's important to note that while sensory-friendly environments are particularly important for autistic individuals, they can also benefit other neurodivergent individuals, as well as people who experience anxiety or sensory overload for other reasons.

Creating sensory-friendly environments isn't just a matter of accommodating autistic people's needs; it's about creating a more inclusive society that values and respects neurodivergent individuals. Sensory-friendly environments can help break down barriers and increase access to the same opportunities and experiences that neurotypical individuals take for granted.

By prioritizing the needs of neurodivergent individuals, we can create a more equitable and just society that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusion. Sensory-friendly environments are an important step in that direction.

And now for a shameless plug! Since April is Autism Acceptance Month, and I’m an autistic artist, I’m offering 10% off all Canvas Prints on my Etsy store. Check out and support autistic artists!


Understanding and Addressing Sensory Overload in Autistic People.


Accommodating Conflicting Support Needs in Inclusive Spaces.