Navigating Workplace Accommodations for Autistic Employees

Recently I saw a tiktok featuring an autistic woman asking the 15% of working autistics (studies show only 15-30% of autistic adults are able to hold any kind of employment) how they did it. How were they able to manage their autism in such a way that allowed them to work? The overwhelming response was, “We don’t.” Person after person responded saying they are barely holding it together. I myself am constantly feeling like I am on the edge of burnout and often find myself asking how long can I keep this up?

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Understanding and Addressing Sensory Overload in Autistic People.

As many people in the autistic community know, sensory overload is a common experience for those on the spectrum. Sensory overload can be described as an overwhelming experience where sensory information is processed by the brain in a way that is difficult to handle. This can be caused by a variety of different sensory stimuli, such as sounds, lights, smells, textures, and more.

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The Importance of Sensory Friendly Environments

As part of the neurodivergent community, autistics process sensory information differently than neurotypicals. For many autistics, sensory input can be overwhelming and cause discomfort, leading to a range of negative physical and emotional reactions. Sensory-friendly environments can make a huge difference in the quality of life for autistic individuals by reducing stress and allowing them to engage with the world around them more comfortably.

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autism advocacy, Autism terminology Jeff Baker autism advocacy, Autism terminology Jeff Baker

Medical and Social Models of Disability

I recently saw a TikTok video of an autistic person mocking the notion that autism is a disability, they were addressing a lot of autistic traits that allistic people and neurotypical people view as being a deficit, but that autistic people see as our strengths, and I was conflicted about the messaging of the video. I responded saying “Yes to not viewing everything autistics do differently as a deficit, no to the further stigmatization of disability in the autistic community. Autism is a disability, and that’s okay.”

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functioning labels, autism advocacy Jeff Baker functioning labels, autism advocacy Jeff Baker

Why We Don't Use Functioning Labels in the Autistic Community

A while ago on TikTok a joke popped up in the autism community. The joke was we all started referring to ourselves as “Neurospicy” or as having “spicy autism” I didn’t get it at first, until I realized it was in response to how some people refer to autistics with lower support needs as having “mild autism” and so the neuro spice meter was invented. Because, at the end of the day, saying mild or severe autism is the same as applying functional labels.

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Nazi’s are Bad, mmmkay?: Why we don’t use the term Asperger’s Syndrome anymore

As someone who is part of the autistic community, I have noticed that there is still some confusion around the term "Asperger's syndrome." I will periodically run into someone who insists “I don’t have autism, I have asperger’s.” While it used to be a commonly used term, it has been phased out in recent years, with the DSM-5 (the diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals) no longer including it as a separate diagnosis. So why is this the case? While not the only factor, a big reason is we don’t like to name things after Nazis.

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