Warrior Woman in a World of Ruins: A Fantasy Twist on Urban Landscapes

I've just completed my latest painting, and I'm excited to share it with you! Titled "Warrior Woman in a World of Ruins," it's a departure from my usual urban landscapes but still draws heavily from my favorite artists' styles.

“Warrior Woman in a World of Ruin” painting by Jeff Baker

ID: An armour clad woman sits on a rocky escarpment overlooking a mountain range clad with temple ruins.

The painting depicts a woman in armor, sitting on a cliffside overlooking a mountain range that's scattered with temple ruins. I've used green and purple tones to give it a unique fantasy vibe that's distinct from my previous work. While my urban landscapes have been heavily inspired by artists like Hardy Fowler (for trees and rocks and stuff, although his character design is phenomenal and I will never achieve such greatness lol) and Izzy Burton (urban landscapes), for this piece, I drew inspiration from the sci-fi artist Simon Stålenhag.

Concept art by Hardy Fowler, Digital Painting Studio

Urban Landscape Painting by Izzy Burton

sci fi painting by Simon Stalenhag

I incorporated techniques from both Burton and Fowler to create a style that's uniquely my own, but I also wanted to try something new, and that's where Stålenhag came in. While I didn't quite achieve the sci-fi style that Stålenhag is known for (and not just because this was fantasy and not sci fi lol), I'm thrilled with how the final piece turned out. The mix of techniques has created something otherworldly yet familiar, and I hope viewers can find a connection with the character as well.

What do you think? Should I keep painting like this? or get back to work on the comic? let me know in the comments.

Remember to follow me on social media for more updates on my artwork.


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