Accommodating Conflicting Support Needs in Inclusive Spaces.

Inclusive spaces strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, including people with different support needs. However, accommodating conflicting support needs can be challenging. What happens when one person's need conflicts with another person's need? How can we create a space that supports everyone?

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autism advocacy, Autism terminology Jeff Baker autism advocacy, Autism terminology Jeff Baker

Medical and Social Models of Disability

I recently saw a TikTok video of an autistic person mocking the notion that autism is a disability, they were addressing a lot of autistic traits that allistic people and neurotypical people view as being a deficit, but that autistic people see as our strengths, and I was conflicted about the messaging of the video. I responded saying “Yes to not viewing everything autistics do differently as a deficit, no to the further stigmatization of disability in the autistic community. Autism is a disability, and that’s okay.”

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