High Support Needs

A comic about Autistic Super Heroes.

(not about how autism is a super power)

As an autistic person who also works professionally in autism care, I am often frustrated with the autism representation I often see in media. It is often written by non-autistic writers, acted by non-autistic actors, and produced by non-autistic producers. It tends to fetishize certain aspects of autism while depicting us as emotionless automatons and perpetuating harmful and ableist stereotypes about autistic people. That’s why I wanted to create a comic that provides authentic autism representation without playing into the ableist tropes and stereotypes mentioned above. Autism is often heralded as being a super power, a statement I would disagree with (doesn’t feel too super when I’m experiencing autistic overwhelm and burnout.) but more importantly, and the point I want to make with this series: it wouldn’t matter if it was. The implications of certain super powers often disable that character in other ways. Rogue from the X-Men can absorb anyone’s power but it means she can never experience human touch because she will kill whoever she touches. Super strength doesn’t always equal super bone density. Super speed doesn’t necessarily mean super-coordination. My comic doesn’t depict autism as a super power, rather it explores what would happen if autistic people had traditional super powers, and how they would fit into a society that tends to fetishize the strength of disabled people without making any actual accommodations to make disabled people’s lives less difficult. If this sounds like it’s up your alley, you can get the first issue FOR FREE by filling out the form below!

Autism Representation Done Right.

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