
It’s a show about an Axolotl with a Magic Axe. What more could you want out of life?

The Show

Axalot is about an axolotl who has been imbued with human size and strength through the power of an enchanted axe. Our hero started as a mere Axolotl in a jar in the back of a wizard's wagon. When the wagon hit a bump the jar fell out and rolled down the hill, spilling into the lake. The axolotl swam to the bottom of the lake after being chased by a fish and hid behind an ax next to a skeleton buried in lake sand. Upon touching the ax he transforms into the Hero we will soon know and love. Driven by the desire to help people and make friends, the axolotl makes his way through the villages, kingdoms, and countryside of this fictional medieval world with his two companions, Artie the Artificer, and Tammy the Bard, finding creative solutions to people’s problems.

When the axolotl emerged from the lake holding his ax he ran into Tammy the Bard who was crying after some bullies stole her Lute. Because the axolotl doesn’t speak, people tend to make assumptions about him, and he goes along with it. Tammy assumes he’s here to help her get her Lute back, and they work together to make it so. She names him Axle Axalot based on his ax (not because he is an axolotl, as Axolotls are not common in medieval Europe.) Soon after meeting Tammy they run into Artie the Artificer who needs help stopping one of his inventions that is spiraling out of control. After helping Artie stop his steam powered house painting machine, Artie makes Axle a belt and shoulder armor and the three of them become fast friends and embark on a wondrous adventure.

While most people greet the trio as heroes there are people who are trying to stop them including Murlock the Wizard who needs an axolotl to use in a potion he promised to the king (the same wizard Axle escaped from in the beginning) and Newt the Salamander, who possesses a second enchanted ax and needs both of them to succeed in his scheme for world domination. But love is the most powerful enchantment of all, so the love that binds our heroes in friendship can overcome any spell or scheme any villain can throw at them.

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Meet the Cast!

  • Axel Axalot (Sir Axalot)

    Axel the Axolotl is a very happy relaxed individual. He doesn’t care where he is or what he’s doing as long as he’s doing it with friends. He is also very peaceful. Axel would never use his axe to harm another living creature, even in self defence (though he may use it to block an attack against an innocent person, or to disarm someone). Axle and his friends must always find a non-violent way to resolve the issue at hand.

    Because Axel is non speaking he serves as a mirror for people to learn things about themselves. People say things to him and interpret his silence however they need to to grow as human beings.

    While Axel doesn’t use his axe for fighting he will use it for any other thing. Chopping wood, saving people from a burning building, even tilling soil. Axel finds a way to turn his axe into a multi-tool useful in any situation.

    The axe must be on Axel’s person at all times. If he puts it down even for a second he will turn back into a tiny axolotl. This creates some interesting tension in different social situations. Like when he meets a member of the royal family and axes aren’t permitted inside the palace grounds. So the trio of friends need to find creative solutions to keep the axe in Axel’s possession at all times.

    One of Axel’s best attributes is that he shows people anyone can be a knight. Anyone can live by a code of honour to do no harm, to uplift the downtrodden, and to treat everybody with respect. It’s because Axel embodies these attributes that everyone assumes he IS a knight even though the king has never knighted him (official knighthood will come eventually, later in the series). And so, because Axel embodies Knighthood he inspires others to do the same.

    Axel wishes no ill will on anyone, including the people who want to hurt him, and he would sooner lay down his axe and lose his powers than raise it in anger or vengeance.

    Because Axel is basically a brand new person (having previously only lived in a lake in Mexico and then in a jar) every experience he has is brand new. Eating at a banquet? Brand new. Sleeping in a hammock? Brand new. Because of this we may find Axel touching, tasting, or staring at things at inappropriate times.

    Because the Axe is enchanted it opens the door to a lot of different possibilities. It can glow in the dark if they need a torch, it can give its wielder increased strength, and even shoot magical energy out of it.

  • Tammy the Bard

    Tammy is small in stature but has a big personality. She is somewhat androgynous and is often mistaken for a boy but adamantly insists she identifies as a girl. She is often heard saying “Look, I may talk like a boy, look like a boy, even smell like a boy, but I feel like a girl and no one can tell me how to feel!”

    Music is obviously very important to Tammy and she has big dreams of being a world famous bard. She often uses her music to motivate people, help them to feel better, or teach life lessons.

    Tammy is the main moral compass of the group. Not that Artie or Axel are immoral, but Tammy has an innate sense of right and wrong and inspires others to choose what is right. Especially since Axel is a mirror and Artie is bad at reading social cues, Tammy keeps the trio on the right path.

    Tammy’s weakness is that she is somewhat insecure about her abilities. She knows she’s a pretty good musician, but she wants to be the best, so anytime someone shows any kind of musical proficiency that might surpass her own (with a few exceptions for musical mentors/idols etc.) she can get jealous and bitter.

    Tammy’s parents are very non-artistic and so they don’t understand Tammy’s need to be musical or pursue a career in the arts. They are the medieval version of the American Gothic painting. If there’s a middle ages equivalent to amish people, it’s them. Tammy feels like she has to prove herself to her parents, but that is largely based in her insecurity. While her parents don’t understand her, they just want her to be happy and they are happy she has found something that brings her joy. But they never smile so it’s hard for her to tell.

    She is absolutely obsessed with a group of boy bards the Backroad Bards and becomes fully speechless if she runs into them.

    Tammy being a bard is a great excuse to include a musical interlude in any and all episodes, which can be original works or parodies of modern songs.

  • Artie the Artificer

    Artie is a brilliant inventor and mad scientist. He is always tinkering on some gadget that either saves the day, or creates the dramatic tension that needs to be resolved in the episode. He seems to have future knowledge of sorts and is always inventing things that shouldn’t exist for hundreds of years, while still keeping in a medieval/steam punk aesthetic.

    Artie is not explicitly autistic but has many autistic traits. He gets hyper fixated on his projects and inventions and has trouble concentrating on anything else. He also info dumps on people giving them a great deal more information than they had expected or asked for. He also has a lot of trouble reading social cues and relies on Tammy to hint at what he’s supposed to do in a given situation.

    Artie is kind, but analytical, so he can come off as cold. He sees things in black and white and is the type of person to find the best solution to a given problem and get frustrated when people don’t immediately follow it.

    Artie’s parents are actually very wealthy nobility who want their son to come rule their fiefdom but he’s much more interested in science and inventions so he ran away from home. He doesn’t talk about his parents ever as he doesn’t want people to treat him differently. This could create conflict as the series goes on when he runs into people who recognize him, or even if his parents send people to retrieve him and bring him back home.

    Artie’s super power is he can always think of an invention to build to get his friends out of a jam, he just doesn’t always have the time to build it and so often has to improvise.

    If Artie has a weakness it’s that he gets so fixated on his special interests and doesn’t understand what is expected of him socially so he can get frustrated when he is pulled away from it and doesn’t understand why he needs to do something else. This can cause him to shut down emotionally.

  • Murlock the Wizard

    Murlock is the most immediate villain in the series. He is not so much a “bad guy” as he is a desperate character. He is a chronically unlucky wizard who can’t catch a break. He doesn’t *actually* care whether this axolotl is roaming free, except that he promised the king an elixir of eternal youth, for which his axolotl was an ingredient, and he’s worried if he can’t deliver he will be thrown in the dungeon. So he’s hunting Axel more out of a survival instinct than any innate evilness.

    Murlock is the Wizard who put the whole story into motion. He was traveling to the castle for an audience with the king when he hit a bump and a jar containing Axle the Axolotl fell out the back of his wagon and tipped into the lake. After having a disastrous meeting with the king he is now hunting Axle to get him back in the jar so he can use him in the king’s potion.

    Murlock has a familiar named Dave the Raven. Dave can only say “*Caw* Why?” and serves to further antagonize Murlock when he is talking to himself.

    Murlock is very short in stature but actually has considerable magic abilities. His beard can also act as an extra appendage when he needs an extra hand. Like holding his magical tome of spells while he uses both hands to cast. Murlock has somewhat of a “Gil from the Simpsons” vibe as he is constantly down on his luck and can’t believe whatever tragedy is about to befall him is actually happening.

    Murlock’s saving grace (and often the saving grace for the heroes) is that he isn’t actually evil, so when it comes down to him needing to do the right thing, you can count on him to have mercy and restraint and choose to hunt Axel another day.

  • Dave the Raven

    *Caw!* Why?

  • Newt the Salamander

    Newt is not a Newt, he is a Salamander. One of his biggest frustrations is that he has a confusing name. He is the possessor and wielder of the other enchanted axe (they are a pair) which also imbues him with human size and strength.

    Newt is driven by revenge. He has one eye because his other was taken by a witch to use in her witches brew (eye of newt, even though he’s not a newt, which makes him even angrier). He wants to become a powerful Warlord so he can exact his revenge on humanity for disfiguring him. He has made great strides towards this goal, but he knows if he had both axes his goal would be in reach.

    Newt sets a number of traps and schemes for the trio, and sends his own Lieutenants out to accomplish his tasks. All this always backfires on him, but he is cunning and resilient so he will live to try again.

    Unlike Murlock, Newt has been so consumed by anger and a thirst for revenge that he is essentially evil and has no interest in doing good. But perhaps with any luck our heroes will find humanity and goodness within him yet.


Take a look at the first finished scene from the Pilot episode of Axalot! Now, this isn’t the first scene in the episode. The magic of editing means we can produce scenes out of order and cut them together later. And this was the first finished audio we had so it’s the first scene we made. It’s also INCREDIBLY cute and funny. Enjoy!

Other Characters and Notable Set Pieces

The Villager

There is a standard unnamed villager who exists in every town. He looks and sounds the exact same in every town. He is slightly curmudgeonly, sarcastic, and generally a tool for info and exposition. He will pull the trio back from ridiculousness to see the humanity of the people they are trying to help.

The Axes

The twin axes (one possessed by Axel and the other by Newt) were forged and enchanted generations ago and gifted one each to the kings of two warring nations in hopes of fostering peace. The two kingdoms eventually did make peace with each other and eventually merged into one nation, Medvalia (the fictional country the show takes place in). Each axe was passed down to each eldest descendant of the royal families until one day greed took over the heart of one of the princes and he betrayed the prince from the other family. It was in this betrayal that the second axe was lost. Legend says that if both axes are reunited, the wielder of the axes will have unfathomable power. Newt is aware of this history and will tell the story one day in an evil expositional monologue.

The Wagonator

The wagonator is the main method of transportation for our heroes, but it’s always breaking down because Artie keeps trying to power it with new and untested technology. This allows the heroes to find themselves in new cities and places, learning about the people who live there and whatever problems they are facing. The wagonator can also be a way to advance the plot because it can do whatever they need it to do. Artie just has to say “this is a great opportunity to test out my latest upgrades to the wagonator!” and then it can become a boat or a plane or whatever they need. It’s very much like Adam West’s batmobile in that regard. It has unlimited secret compartments that the friends can reach into when they are in a jam and pull out whatever McGuffin they need to get out of it (after some well earned tension and character building of course.) The wagonator is a 3D asset that is compatible with 2D animation software which makes it incredibly versatile for things like multi-angle chase scenes.

Axel, Artie, and Tammy Together

Axel (referred to as Sir Axalot by most villagers) is the symbol behind which Tammy and Artie can step into themselves and become heroes. Axle is up for anything so long as his friends are there, and serves as a mirror for the goodness inside Artie and Tammy. Tammy keeps them on track morally and motivationally with her music, and Artie is a brilliant inventor and strategist. 

They travel the countryside in their wagon (which they affectionately call the Wagonator) helping people to become their best selves while avoiding the attempts of Murlock the Wizard to recapture Axel, and the schemes of Newt the Salamander to steal the axe.

In the end, Axel can serve as a therapeutic mirror to Murlock and Newt as well to help them identify areas of growth in their own life and pull them more towards the good than the bad.

The trio of heroes are super optimists and are rarely concerned that they won’t succeed at the task at hand. They are never so terrified or filled with so much self doubt that they shut down. There is always a non violent solution they can come to when they put their heads together.